
Cache Data Storage

class pyryver.cache_storage.AbstractCacheStorage

Bases: abc.ABC

An abstract class defining the requirements for cache storages.

A cache storage is used by the Ryver class to cache chats data to improve performance.

abstractmethod load(ryver: Ryver, obj_type: str) → List[pyryver.objects.Object]

Load all saved objects of a specific type.

If no objects were saved, this method returns an empty list.

abstractmethod save(obj_type: str, data: List[pyryver.objects.Object]) → None

Save all objects of a specific type.

class pyryver.cache_storage.FileCacheStorage(root_dir: str = '.', prefix: str = '')

Bases: pyryver.cache_storage.AbstractCacheStorage

A cache storage implementation using files.

load(ryver: Ryver, obj_type: str) → List[pyryver.objects.Object]

Load all saved objects of a specific type.

If no objects were saved, this method returns an empty list.

save(obj_type: str, data: List[pyryver.objects.Object]) → None

Save all objects of a specific type.

API Helpers

async for ... in pyryver.util.get_all(session: aiohttp.client.ClientSession, url: str, top: int = -1, skip: int = 0, param_sep: str = '?') → List[dict]

Because the REST API only gives 50 results at a time, this function is used to retrieve all objects.

Intended for internal use only.

pyryver.util.get_type_from_entity(entity_type: str) → str

Gets the object type from the entity type.

Note that it doesn’t actually return a class, just the string.

Intended for internal use only.

await pyryver.util.retry_until_available(coro: Awaitable[T], *args, timeout: float = None, **kwargs) → T

Repeatedly tries to do some action (usually getting a resource) until the resource becomes available or a timeout elapses.

This function will try to run the given coroutine once every 0.5 seconds. If it results in a 404, the function tries again. Otherwise, the exception is raised.

If it times out, an asyncio.TimeoutError will be raised.

args and kwargs are passed to the coroutine.

  • coro – The coroutine to run
  • timeout – The timeout in seconds, or None for no timeout
pyryver.objects.get_obj_by_field(objs: List[pyryver.objects.Object], field: str, value: Any) → pyryver.objects.Object

Gets an object from a list of objects by a field.

For example, this function can find a chat with a specific nickname in a list of chats.

  • objs – List of objects to search in.
  • field – The field’s name (usually a constant beginning with FIELD_ in pyryver.util) within the object’s JSON data.
  • value – The value to look for.

Entity Types


Corresponds to pyryver.objects.User.


Corresponds to pyryver.objects.Forum.


Corresponds to pyryver.objects.Team.


Corresponds to pyryver.objects.GroupChatMember.


Corresponds to pyryver.objects.Topic.


Corresponds to pyryver.objects.TopicReply.


Corresponds to pyryver.objects.Notification.


Corresponds to pyryver.objects.Storage.


Corresponds to pyryver.objects.File.

Common Field Names


The object’s display name (friendly name)


The object’s ID, sometimes an int, sometimes a str depending on the object type.


The object’s JID, or JabberID. Used in the live socket interface for referring to chats.