Data Models

class pyryver.objects.Object(ryver: pyryver.ryver.Ryver, obj_type: str, data: dict)

Base class for all Ryver objects.

  • ryver – The parent pyryver.pyryver.Ryver instance.
  • obj_type – The object’s type, a constant beginning with TYPE_ in pyryver.util.
get_entity_type() → str

Get the entity type of this object.

get_id() → Any

Get the ID of this object.

This is usually an integer, however for messages it is a string instead.

get_raw_data() → dict

Get the raw data of this object.

The raw data is a dictionary directly obtained from parsing the JSON response.

get_ryver() → pyryver.ryver.Ryver

Get the Ryver session this object was retrieved from.

get_type() → str

Get the type of this object.


class pyryver.objects.Chat(ryver: pyryver.ryver.Ryver, obj_type: str, data: dict)

Bases: pyryver.objects.Object

Any Ryver chat you can send messages to.

E.g. Teams, forums, user DMs, etc.

await create_topic(subject: str, body: str, creator: pyryver.objects.Creator = None) → pyryver.objects.Topic

Create a topic in this chat.

This method sends requests.

Returns the topic created.

  • subject – The subject (or title) of the new topic.
  • body – The contents of the new topic.
  • creator – The overriden creator; optional, if unset uses the logged-in user’s profile.
get_jid() → str

Get the JID (JabberID) of this chat.

The JID is used in the websockets interface.

await get_message_from_id(id: str, before: int = 0, after: int = 0) → List[pyryver.objects.Message]

Get a message from an ID, optionally also messages before and after it too.


Before and after cannot exceed 25 messages, otherwise an HTTPError will be raised with the error code 400 Bad Request.

This method sends requests.

This method does not support top/skip.

  • id – The ID of the message to retrieve, and the reference point for the before and after parameters.
  • before – How many extra messages to retrieve before the specified one.
  • after – How many extra messages to retrieve after the specified one.
await get_messages(count: int) → List[pyryver.objects.ChatMessage]

Get a number of messages (most recent first) in this chat.

This method sends requests.

Parameters:count – Maximum number of results.
abstractmethod get_name() → str

Get the name of this chat.

async for ... in get_topics(archived: bool = False, top: int = -1, skip: int = 0) → AsyncIterator[pyryver.objects.Topic]

Get all the topics in this chat.

This method sends requests.

  • archived – If True, only include archived topics in the results, otherwise, only include non-archived topics.
  • top – Maximum number of results; optional, if unspecified return all results.
  • skip – Skip this many results.
await send_message(message: str, creator: pyryver.objects.Creator = None) → str

Send a message to this chat.

Specify a creator to override the username and profile of the message creator.

This method sends requests.

Returns the ID of the chat message sent. Note that message IDs are strings.

  • message – The message contents.
  • creator – The overriden creator; optional, if unset uses the logged-in user’s profile.
class pyryver.objects.GroupChat(ryver: pyryver.ryver.Ryver, obj_type: str, data: dict)

Bases: pyryver.objects.Chat

A Ryver team or forum.

await get_member(id: int) → pyryver.objects.GroupChatMember

Get a member by user ID.

This method sends requests.

If the user is not found, this method will return None.

async for ... in get_members(top: int = -1, skip: int = 0) → AsyncIterator[pyryver.objects.GroupChatMember]

Get all the members of this chat.

This method sends requests.

  • top – Maximum number of results; optional, if unspecified return all results.
  • skip – Skip this many results.
get_name() → str

Get the name of this chat.

get_nickname() → str

Get the nickname of this chat.

class pyryver.objects.Forum(ryver: pyryver.ryver.Ryver, obj_type: str, data: dict)

Bases: pyryver.objects.GroupChat

A Ryver forum.

class pyryver.objects.Team(ryver: pyryver.ryver.Ryver, obj_type: str, data: dict)

Bases: pyryver.objects.GroupChat

A Ryver team.


class pyryver.objects.User(ryver: pyryver.ryver.Ryver, obj_type: str, data: dict)

Bases: pyryver.objects.Chat

A Ryver user.

await create_topic(from_user: pyryver.objects.User, subject: str, body: str, creator: pyryver.objects.Creator = None) → pyryver.objects.Topic

Create a topic in this user’s DMs.

This method sends requests.

Returns the topic created.

  • from_user – The user that will create the topic; must be the same as the logged-in user.
  • subject – The subject (or title) of the created topic.
  • body – The contents of the created topic.
get_about() → str

Get this user’s About.

get_activated() → bool

Get whether this user’s account is activated.

get_display_name() → str

Get the display name of this user.

get_email_address() → str

Get this user’s Email Address.

get_name() → str

Get the display name of this user.

get_role() → str

Get this user’s role in their profile.


This is different from get_roles(). While this one gets the “Role” of the user from the profile, get_roles() gets the user’s roles in the organization (user, guest, admin).

get_roles() → List[str]

Get this user’s role in the organization.


This is different from get_role(). While this one gets the user’s roles in the organization (user, guest, admin), get_role() gets the user’s role from their profile.

get_time_zone() → str

Get this user’s Time Zone.

get_username() → str

Get the username of this user.

is_admin() → bool

Get whether this user is an org admin.

await set_activated(activated: bool) → None

Activate or deactivate the user. Requires admin.

This method sends requests.


This also updates these properties in this object.

await set_org_role(role: str) → None

Set a user’s role in this organization, as described in get_roles().

This can be either ROLE_USER, ROLE_ADMIN or ROLE_GUEST.

This method sends requests.


This also updates these properties in this object.

await set_profile(display_name: str = None, role: str = None, about: str = None) → None

Update this user’s profile.

If any of the arguments are None, they will not be changed.

This method sends requests.


This also updates these properties in this object.

  • display_name – The user’s new display_name.
  • role – The user’s new role, as described in get_role().
  • about – The user’s new “about me” blurb.

Group Chat Member

class pyryver.objects.GroupChatMember(ryver: pyryver.ryver.Ryver, obj_type: str, data: dict)

Bases: pyryver.objects.Object

A member in a forum or team.

get_role() → str

Get the role of this member.

get_user() → pyryver.objects.User

Get this member as a User object.

is_admin() → bool

Get whether this member is an admin of their forum.


This method does not check for org admins.


class pyryver.objects.Message(ryver: pyryver.ryver.Ryver, obj_type: str, data: dict)

Bases: pyryver.objects.Object

Any generic Ryver message, with an author, body, and reactions.

get_attached_file() → pyryver.objects.File

Get the file attached to this message, if there is one.

Note that files obtained from this only have a limited amount of information, including the ID, name, URL, size and type. Attempting to get any other info will result in a KeyError. To obtain the full file info, use Ryver.get_object() with TYPE_FILE and the ID.

Returns None otherwise.

await get_author() → pyryver.objects.User

Get the author of this message, as a User object.

This method sends requests.

abstractmethod get_author_id() → int

Get the ID of the author of this message.

abstractmethod get_body() → str

Get the body of this message.

get_creator() → pyryver.objects.Creator

Get the Creator of this message.

Note that this is different from the author. Creators are used to override the display name and avatar of a user. If the username and avatar were not overridden, this will return None.

get_reaction_counts() → dict

Count the number of reactions for each emoji on a message.

Returns a dict of {emoji: number_of_reacts}.

get_reactions() → dict

Get the reactions on this message.

Returns a dict of {emoji: [users]}.

await react(emoji: str) → None

React to a message with an emoji.

This method sends requests.

Parameters:emoji – The string name of the reacji (e.g. “thumbsup”).
class pyryver.objects.ChatMessage(ryver: pyryver.ryver.Ryver, obj_type: str, data: dict)

Bases: pyryver.objects.Message

A Ryver chat message.

await delete() → None

Deletes the message.

await edit(body: str, creator: pyryver.objects.Creator = None) → None

Edit the message.

  • body – The new message content.
  • creator – The new message creator; optional, if unset left as-is.
get_author_id() → int

Get the ID of the author of this message.

get_body() → str

Get the message body.

await get_chat() → pyryver.objects.Chat

Get the chat that this message was sent to, as a Chat object.

This method sends requests.

get_chat_id() → int

Get the id of the chat that this message was sent to, as an integer.

Note that this is different from get_chat() as the id is stored in the message data and is good for most API purposes while get_chat() returns an entire Chat object, which might not be necessary depending on what you’re trying to do.

get_chat_type() → str

Gets the type of chat that this message was sent to, as a string.

This string will be one of the ENTITY_TYPES values

await react(emoji: str) → None

React to a message with an emoji.

This method sends requests.

Parameters:emoji – The string name of the reacji (e.g. “thumbsup”).
class pyryver.objects.Topic(ryver: pyryver.ryver.Ryver, obj_type: str, data: dict)

Bases: pyryver.objects.Message

A Ryver topic in a chat.

get_author_id() → int

Get the ID of the author of this topic.

get_body() → str

Get the body of this topic.

async for ... in get_replies(top: int = -1, skip: int = 0) → AsyncIterator[pyryver.objects.TopicReply]

Get all the replies to this topic.

This method sends requests.

  • top – Maximum number of results; optional, if unspecified return all results.
  • skip – Skip this many results.
get_subject() → str

Get the subject of this topic.

await reply(message: str, creator: pyryver.objects.Creator = None) → pyryver.objects.TopicReply

Reply to the topic.

This method sends requests.

For unknown reasons, overriding the creator does not work for this method.

Parameters:message – The reply content
class pyryver.objects.TopicReply(ryver: pyryver.ryver.Ryver, obj_type: str, data: dict)

Bases: pyryver.objects.Message

A reply on a topic.

get_author() → pyryver.objects.User

Get the author of this reply, as a User object.

Unlike the other implementations, this does not send any requests.

get_author_id() → int

Get the ID of the author of this reply.

get_body() → str

Get the body of this message.

get_topic() → pyryver.objects.Topic

Get the topic this reply was sent to.


class pyryver.objects.Storage(ryver: pyryver.ryver.Ryver, obj_type: str, data: dict)

Bases: pyryver.objects.Object

Generic storage, e.g. uploaded files.

Note that while storage objects contain files, the File class does not inherit from this class.

get_file() → pyryver.objects.File

Get the file stored.

class pyryver.objects.File(ryver: pyryver.ryver.Ryver, obj_type: str, data: dict)

Bases: pyryver.objects.Object

An uploaded file.

This class also contains constants for some common MIME types.

await delete() → None

Delete this file.

This method sends requests.

await download_data() → bytes

Download the file data.

This method sends requests.

get_MIME_type() → str

Get the MIME type of this file.

get_name() → str

Get the name of this file.

get_size() → int

Get the size of this file in bytes.

get_title() → str

Get the title of this file.

get_url() → str

Get the URL of this file.

request_data() → aiohttp.client_reqrep.ClientResponse

Get the file data.

Returns an aiohttp request response to the file URL.


class pyryver.objects.Notification(ryver: pyryver.ryver.Ryver, obj_type: str, data: dict)

Bases: pyryver.objects.Object

A Ryver user notification.

PREDICATE_COMMENT = 'commented_on'
PREDICATE_MENTION = 'chat_mention'
get_new() → bool

Get whether this notification is new.

get_object() → dict

Get the “object” of this notification.

The exact nature of this field is not yet known, but it seems to be the target of an @mention for mentions, the topic for topic comments, or the task for task activities.

get_object_entity_type() → str

Get entity type of the “object” of this notification.

The exact nature of this field is not yet known, but it seems to be the target of an @mention for mentions, the topic for topic comments, or the task for task activities.

get_object_id() → int

Get the ID of the “object” of this notification.

The exact nature of this field is not yet known, but it seems to be the target of an @mention for mentions, the topic for topic comments, or the task for task activities.

get_predicate() → str

Get the “predicate”, or type, of this notification.

  • chat_mention - User was @mentioned
  • group_mention - User was mentioned through @team or @here
  • commented_on - A topic was commented on
  • completed - A task was completed
get_subject_entity_type() → str

Get the entity type of the “subject” of this notification.

The exact nature of this field is not yet known, but it seems to be the user that did the action which caused this notification.

get_subject_id() → int

Get the ID of the “subject” of this notification.

The exact nature of this field is not yet known, but it seems to be the user that did the action which caused this notification.

get_subjects() → List[dict]

Get the “subjects” of this notification.

The exact nature of this field is not yet known, but it seems to be the user that did the action which caused this notification. It is also unknown why this is an array, as it seems to only ever contain one element.

get_unread() → bool

Get whether this notification is unread.

get_via() → dict

Get the “via” of this notification.

The exact nature of this field is not yet known, but it seems to contain information about whatever caused this notification. For example, the chat message of an @mention, the topic reply for a reply, etc. For task completions, there is NO via.

get_via_entity_type() → str

Get the entity type of the “via” of this notification.

The exact nature of this field is not yet known, but it seems to contain information about whatever caused this notification. For example, the chat message of an @mention, the topic reply for a reply, etc. For task completions, there is NO via.

get_via_id() → int

Get the ID of the “via” of this notification.

The exact nature of this field is not yet known, but it seems to contain information about whatever caused this notification. For example, the chat message of an @mention, the topic reply for a reply, etc. For task completions, there is NO via.

await set_status(unread: bool, new: bool) → None

Set the read/unread and seen/unseen (new) status of this notification.

This method sends requests.


This also updates these properties in this object.


class pyryver.objects.Creator(name: str, avatar: str)

A message creator, with a name and an avatar.

This can be used to override the sender’s display name and avatar.

  • name – The overriden display name
  • avatar – The overriden avatar (a url to an image)
to_dict() → dict

Convert this Creator object to a dictionary to be used in a request.

Intended for internal use.